Saturday, August 25, 2007
HAPPY NINETEENTH BIRTHDAY DEAREST CHAOTABEAN!! :DDDLove you love you love you! We've known each for .. let's see, 6 years and COUNTING! So happy that we're still in touch and meeting up regularly ;) Thank God I met you in GB through Jess, if not life would be really different w/o ya :) God bless you dearr.. and hope you enjoyed our celebration just now.. there's even Part2 on Wednesday, LOL - but I have kendo on that day.. hopefully I can rush down after my class yeah!
Slept like at 7am this morning and woke up at 1230pm - but celebration for Wendy went pretty well yay! First we drove over to her place at 12am midnight and surprised her with a POWERPUFF GIRLS birthday cake. Then we fetched her back to Weilin's place and had chocolate fondue, card games and played pool from like 12am to 4am before driving out to east coast park. Played sparkles, but aiya our fireworks didn't work in the end -.- But the sky was amazing that night, full of glittering stars.... Sat on the rocks, chat chat, enjoyed the seabreeze before heading back at like 6am. Oh I finally saw Zorro after so longgg... he's grown so big and handsome! LOL huskies are like that I guess - they grow super fast.
And yesterday afternoon was SM/U CCA Day.. quite happening. LOL put my name down in alot of mailing lists but I think the ones that I'm most prolly following up on are CF, Rotaract, Kendo, Archery and Recreational Fishing hee. Maybe AIESEC, but not really sure what it is about though, lol. Ah.... and there are many many projects coming up. Feeling stressed but still am in holiday mood though :( Gotta wake myself up.....-slap slap-
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Been AGES since I updated. Not that I'm lazy, I've been updating in another more private blog instead. Too many thoughts they are driving me MAD.Anyway school has STARTED. Oh gosh I can't believe I survived the first 2 days. 1st class was Leadership and Teambuilding (LTB) and I LOVE my group yay. Thank GOD (: First lesson and we have an impromptu presentation already - this proves how different SM/U is right? LOL. But this class is FUN I like and it's going to be meaningful because we have to do a CSP project together. And that day also met Xiaoting in the early noon to submit tuition grant form and the money for the workshop on Thur - and then went to Mr. Tea (some nice cafe with board games in SM/U) to play Taboo with Huiqi and XT's friend(urm forgot his name). Fun but only played for a short while 'cos had to rush off for class.
Today was 2nd day. Had to wake up super early 'cos of an 830am class. Financial accounting was omg, BORING. But have to get used to all the terms equity revenue asset entity and omg LIABILITIES drive me crazy. Had to get it clear between associate and subsidary companies etc etc zzzzz. Had to eat ricola to keep awake, but at least got participate abit lurh hee. I like my prof's name - Prof
Yay tomorrow's an afternoon class so I can sleep.....darn tired today.
Oh yeah
Friday, August 17, 2007
feels like i'm suffocating underunable to breathe
one by one
strong waves come crashing over me
pushing me deeper and deeper in
i don't want to know
ignorance is bliss
i can't seem to stop worrying about tomorrow
i need a kind of release.
i just want things to be same as before
nothing less, nothing more
memories of my past keeps haunting me
will the future be just as lovely?
but i guess life is just...
an irony.
Labels: personal
Thursday, August 02, 2007
I like solitude. Haven't had real solitude in a long time. Actually I reminisce of those times in secondary school and JC when both my parents are working and I come home to an empty, silent but eerily peaceful house. Perhaps I'm one who needs my own space; or am I just too used to being alone? Or maybe I'm just tired of incessant nags. =S
Suddenly I wish I'm back in Westmount library in Montreal immersing myself in a Haruki Murakami book. Beats any library in Singapore really, lol. And I know my brother's still missing Montreal very much (:
Semester has started for NUS! My brother, Lydia and others are now off to school early in the morning... and NTU is starting tomorrow for Sarah... :( I'm going to miss them lots. Sarah my dear injured supposed-to-be skating kaki who stays just a block away from me is going to stay in JURONG (ntu hostel) from Monday onwards! Soooo far. Sigh.... sometimes I wonder if I went to NTU instead would things be very different?
Oh ya did a personality test last night which seems surprisingly accurate. You can take it here. I'm an INFJ, haha. According to google results I'm an Author/Protector/Mystic o.O Sounds so Harry Potter-ish. But after reading so much about INFJs I wonder why I'm studying accountancy really -.-
I've been eating ALOT recently. Really alot. And not exercising. (well except my mouth) Seoul Garden for 3 hours, Carls Junior (with yummy cheesy beefy fries), donuts (my father keeps buying them in dozens -.-)... But surprisingly I'm still the same weight! Why ah? Is it because my muscles have turned to fats? (as fats are lighter than muscles) And irritating BTCLC I know you're reading this. Call me hobbit not enough but Sam the hobbit! Grrr...
Okok I'm being like very random today lol.
Labels: interesting, life, personal, random, uni